


Tennis is a racket sport that is played by only two people each, either against a single opponent at a single tennis court or between 2 teams of two players each. Each player employs a special tennis racket, which is strung with string to strike an object called a “tennis ball” covered with felt on or around a tennis court and into the opposite player’s court. The object of the game is to knock down the opponent with the tennis racket. The tennis racket is swung by the players alternatively; hence the term “tennis”. Many sports such as American football and American basketball incorporate kicking or punching in their games. A match of tennis is generally played for three-and-a-half hours, including breaks.

There are two variations of tennis: slow tennis and quick tennis. In a slow tennis match, the game is played over a sustained period of time, usually three sets, with every set played to a full 60 seconds. It is considered the slowest game in tennis. In a quick tennis match, also known as the championship game, the match is played in a very short time – typically no more than three sets are played over an entire sixty-minute game time. This game has the most amount of stoppages of play than any other in tennis.

Every point in a tennis match is referred to as a “stroke”. A stroke is the total number of points a player has reached after she has been served a stroke, or when she has hit her opponent’s ball. Most tennis players refer to any number of points they have hit as a “game” point, whereas other players refer to a “game finish” point. A game finish is a point at which the match officially ends, usually when one team has reached the required number of strokes for the match.